The Foodie Patootie
National Pumpkin Pie Day | Butterscotch Pumpkin Pie

National Pumpkin Pie Day | Butterscotch Pumpkin Pie

Try your hand at this recipe for Butterscotch Pumpkin Pie for National Pumpkin Pie Day!

National Egg Nog Day | Chai Cider Nog

National Egg Nog Day | Chai Cider Nog

When it's National Egg Nog Day, I like to vary it up a little bit by making a Chai Cider Nog!

National Pfeffernuesse Day | Pfeffernuesse Cookies

National Pfeffernuesse Day | Pfeffernuesse Cookies

Pfeffernuesse Cookies for National Pfeffernuesse Day! They are earthy and warm and kind of perfect for these days.

National Date Nut Bread Day | Orange Date Nut Bread

National Date Nut Bread Day | Orange Date Nut Bread

Happy National Date Nut Bread Day! Make this refreshing and light bread loaf. With some butter, it makes a great snack or breakfast.

National Hamburger Day | BBQ Burger

National Hamburger Day | BBQ Burger

Enjoy this recipe for a great BBQ Burger for National Hamburger Day!

National Kiwi Fruit Day | Fruit Water

National Kiwi Fruit Day | Fruit Water

Happy National Kiwi Fruit Day! Infusing water with your favorite fruits will never get old. Combine strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi for a refreshing treat.

National Sangria Day | Summer Sangria

Try this summer sangria recipe, perfect for the season!

National Fried Shrimp Day | Coconut Shrimp

National Fried Shrimp Day | Coconut Shrimp

Don't miss out on this Coconut Shrimp recipe for National Fried Shrimp Day!

National Hard Candy Day | Peanut Brittle

National Hard Candy Day | Peanut Brittle

It's National Hard Candy Day and that calls for this homemade peanut brittle!

National Roast Suckling Pig Day | Mojo Roasted Pork

National Roast Suckling Pig Day | Mojo Roasted Pork

This Mojo Roasted Pork recipe is perfect for National Roast Suckling Pig Day!