The Foodie Patootie
National Junk Food Day | Spicy Pizza Bianca with Meatballs

National Junk Food Day | Spicy Pizza Bianca with Meatballs

When I think of junk food, I think of chips, cookies, mostly salty foods you eat with your hands. I choose not to think of pizza as junk food. I mean, it is thin...

Flavoring With Lemon Instead of Salt | Lemon Spaghetti

Lemon Spaghetti | Flavoring With Lemon Instead of Salt

Today’s post is sponsored by Sunkist, but my love for the Sunkist S’alternative option is all my own. Fun fact: I probably buy more Sunkist lemons than I do anything else in my kitchen....

National Fortune Cookie Day | Homemade Fortune Cookies

National Fortune Cookie Day | Homemade Fortune Cookies

I’m happy to report that the thought of making fortune cookies is more daunting than the task is. I knew I wanted to try to make homemade fortune cookies, but I didn’t have the...

National Lollipop Day | Zucchini Lollipops

National Lollipop Day | Zucchini Lollipops

If you were celebrating National Lollipop Day, what would YOU make? Probably something more unique and intriguing and something that makes more work than what I did. HOWEVER, these are still delicious and keeps...

National Ice Cream Day | Candied Bacon Ice Cream

National Ice Cream Day | Candied Bacon Ice Cream

Bacon is this really great craze that almost everyone has gotten behind. And why not? Bacon is smoky and salty and delicious. Sometimes I think it’s too much and people are just pairing bacon...

National Ice Cream Soda Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

National Ice Cream Soda Day Part 2 | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

We celebrate National Ice Cream Soda Day just back on June 30. Why reinvent the wheel and post yet another ice cream soda recipe when the first one was so awesome? In case you...

National Daiquiri Day | A Daiquiri Collection

National Daiquiri Day | A Daiquiri Collection

For National Daiquiri Day, I could’ve made a really refreshing, beautiful cocktail that wouldn’t have taken me any time at all. What I decided to do instead is this – create a collection of...

National Caviar Day | Caviar From Oystercatchers in Tampa

Can I be honest with you? SURE I can. I am totally going to skip making anything for National Caviar Day. First of all, aren’t the good caviars pretty expensive? I’m just a poor...

National Peach Ice Cream Day | Peach Ice Cream With Blueberries

National Peach Ice Cream Day | Peach Ice Cream With Blueberries

There are a lot of food holidays that involve ice cream. Some are specific, like National Vanilla Ice Cream Day and today’s National Peach Ice Cream Day, and then some days allow your mind...

National Corn Fritters Day | Southern Corn Fritters

National Corn Fritters Day | Southern Corn Fritters

I’m going to start adventuring into Photoshop. Not with this post, but with a post…someday…soon…maybe. Right now, I just have the monkey doing all my work with my paid account so I have extra goodies,...