The Foodie Patootie

Max is Six Months Old

From what I know, a lot of moms get emotional over the fact that their newborn child is six months old all of a sudden. Half a year. It’s surreal, that’s for sure, but...

Max is Five Months Old

I’ve typed the beginning to this post and then deleted it about five times already. All I really want to say is that I can’t believe Max is already five months old, but I...

Mary’s Maine Bars

This recipe is in partnership with OXO. They have partnered with Dorie Greenspan and bloggers to donate $100 to Cookies for Kids’ Cancer for each post written! In full disclosure, I received the products...

Max is Four Months Old

Catch up on other Max updates here! The thing I realized the other day is that, in the middle of the night, I’ve gone from waking up completely at every Max cry and stir...

Summer Stone Fruit Crisp

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MayfieldFamily #CollectiveBias I really like the idea behind southern hospitality. It’s a feeling I strive to give...

Max is Three Months Old

My three month old son is pretty cool. Here's what we've been up to!

Brunch at Oxford Exchange in Tampa

Maternity leave has been good to me, I have to say. It’s ebbed and flowed, from in the beginning when I basically stayed in my bedroom for almost the entire day (calling it my dungeon)...

Max is Two Months Old

This little child o’ mine. Not so little anymore, my friends. He still has a voracious appetite and packing on the pounds, but he’s getting better at lasting longer between feedings in the middle...

Pineapple, Apricot & Basil Popsicles

Pineapple, Apricot & Basil Popsicles

You gotta love a guy who makes it a point to celebrate Popsicle Week. I spent the entirety of 2014 dedicating my days to the national food holidays so I have an appreciation for...

Newborn Photos with Max!

A couple of weeks ago, we had Kristin out to our house for a newborn photo shoot with Max! Kristin did our maternity photos and is this really amazing photographer here in Tampa Bay who...