The Foodie Patootie

Max is One Month Old

In case you missed it: Max’s Birth Story Apparently I’m going to be one of those moms who are all like, “Where has the time gone?? How is my baby already one month old??”...

Max’s Birth Story

Here is my Max birth story. Spoiler alert: it was the best day of my life.

Pregnancy Update: 40 Weeks

My 40 week pregnancy update.

Pregnancy Update: 39 Weeks

Let’s talk about the worst parts of pregnancy, ok? Indulge me a little bit. For those who haven’t been through a pregnancy yet, maybe knowing all of this will prepare you a little better...

Pregnancy Update: 38 Weeks

Celebrating my best friend’s son’s 3rd birthday! It’s the final countdown! (And now you have that song stuck in your head.) (If you didn’t, I’m sure you do now, right? Heh heh.) Just two...

Pregnancy Update: 37 Weeks

I'm 37 weeks pregnant. Here's what we've been up to.

Pregnancy Update: Nursery Must-Haves

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NurseryMusts #CollectiveBias You guys, I’m in week 34 (35 on Saturday). Where has the time gone? I can’t...

Pregnancy Update: Food Cravings

Food cravings during pregnancy are REAL. Here's what I've been loving.

Pregnancy Update: Baby Shower

It’s the little things. It’s also the big things. It’s all the things. Life is made of these “things” that we all appreciate like time, attention, care. A couple of weekends ago was our...


Ulele: A Fresh From Florida Staple in Tampa

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Fresh From Florida. All opinions are 100% mine. There’s been a revitalization of sorts here in Tampa. I was born and raised here...