National Oatmeal Cookie Day | Oatmeal Cookie Shots

National Oatmeal Cookie Day | Oatmeal Cookie Shots

Whoever said that drinking your calories is wrong needs to go somewhere. When something tastes this right, how can it be wrong? Well, friends, it’s National Oatmeal Cookie Day and I’m taking some shots.

Erm, rather, I took some shots at the time that I made these shots, but I’m reminiscing for the food holiday so just humor me.

Oatmeal Cookies Shots via | #booze #drinks #shots #recipe #foodholiday #baking #cookiesI don’t really have a sweet tooth, but put some oatmeal cookies in front of me and I will go to town. I love, love, love oatmeal cookies so very much.

So you may be asking, “Jen, if you love oatmeal cookies so much, why wouldn’t you just have the real thing instead of some shots?” to which I answer you with the facts.

  1. I wanted to take a break from baking. If you’ve been around these parts for any considerable length of time, you’ve seen me mention that I’m more into cooking than baking. The food holidays consist of more baked goods than anything else and I just wasn’t in the mood.
  2. No oatmeal cookies that I was going to make would be able to compare to the soft batch oatmeal cookies that Publix makes. Therefore, I ate their cookies while I made these shots.
  3. Everyone likes delicious shots, and especially those shots that taste exactly like some baked dessert. (Remember my Chocolate Cake shots?)

Oatmeal Cookies Shots via | #booze #drinks #shots #recipe #foodholiday #baking #cookiesThe moral of the story, friends, is this: Just booze up and drink your desserts if you want to take the easier way out. Chances are that path is more fun anyway. Happy Tuesday!

National Oatmeal Cookie Day | Oatmeal Cookie Shots
Recipe Type: Drinks
Author: The Foodie Patootie
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 shot
  • 1/2 ounce Goldschläger
  • 1/2 ounce Irish cream
  • 1/2 ounce butterscotch schnapps
  1. Fill cocktail shaker with a handful of ice cubes.
  2. Pour in Goldschläger, Irish cream, and schnapps. Shake to mix, about 5 seconds.
  3. Strain the shaker contents into a shot glass.

Tomorrow: National Poultry Day; National Chocolate Caramel Day

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Fun! love your thinking.

Laura Dembowski
Laura Dembowski

This is an awesome idea! I love oatmeal cookies too!