The Foodie Patootie

2014 Reflections & 2015 Resolutions

Here is my completely obligatory post about my 2014 reflections and 2015 resolutions. Let's see if I stick with them!

Easy Vegetarian Egg Rolls

Easy Vegetarian Egg Rolls

Let’s talk about new year’s resolutions. Have you broken yours yet? Can I entice you to break any non-fried foods resolutions you may have made? I promise it’ll be worth your while. And it’ll...

Clean Eating Day 13: Baked Spinach

Clean eating means lots of greens in your diet. This recipe for creamy baked spinach is a great way to enjoy them!


My Recap of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge

I almost completed the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge. Here's my recap of the first week and a half, complete with my clean eating woes, and the food I want to make.

Clean Eating Day 11: Banana Oatmeal

I can’t lie to you guys. I’ve been riding the struggle bus the last few days with this clean eating business. It turns out that I’m a social person whose favorite activities involve eating...

Kale and Shrimp Bowl with Mushrooms and Avocado

Days 9 & 10 Recap of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge

Here is my recap of days 9 and 10 of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge.

BuzzFeed Shakshuka

Day 7 & 8 Recap of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge

This is the recap of days 7 and 8. See previous posts to catch up: – Prep Day – Days 1 & 2 – Days 3 & 4 – Days 5 & 6 So...

Days 5 & 6 Recap of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge

A recap of days 5 and 6 in the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge!

Clean Eating Day 8: Butternut Squash Curry

Has it been a week already? Apart from the constant temptation of cookies and candy at work, I have been pleased with how the Clean Eating Challenge has gone. I’m back to my regular...

Days 3 & 4 Recap of the BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge

Jennifer recaps her third and fourth day completing the BuzzFeed Food's Clean Eating Challenge.