Pregnancy Update: Baby Shower
It’s the little things. It’s also the big things. It’s all the things. Life is made of these “things” that we all appreciate like time, attention, care.
A couple of weekends ago was our baby shower with many friends and family, all of whom made it very fun and special. It was all the small things at this big thing that made me love all the things even more.
I gave my best friend, Jackie, and my mom little guidance when it came to planning the shower. I think, specifically, I said I would like a cookie cake (because cookie cake = best cake, right??), and for the party to be a casual event with craft beers and BBQ to eat. And they went with it, and it was awesome.
There were details and polaroids and Max now has so many books thanks to everyone who followed instructions and subbed in a book instead of a card.
We got so many diapers and tons of clothes and an unfathomable amount of washcloths (turns out I had even more on my registries, hmmm). And then the essentials like bath and feeding items (including baby food makers!), and those big things that you hope someone buys for you so you don’t have to buy it for yourself like a high chair, pack n’ play, and car seat.
It’s the little things, and the big things. It’s all the things.
We received handmade blankets and customized clothes, soft stuffed animals, and a white noise maker that I think I want to use in my room instead. And so much more. So very much more and we are appreciative of it all!

It’s Krystal!
Only 8 weeks to go and, for once, I don’t feel rushed when trying to complete something. Everything is coming together as it should. 😊
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