National Egg Day | Classic Egg Salad Sandwich
Welcome to Tuesday and National Egg Day!
I could’ve made a million dishes for National Egg Day. That’s probably not even much of an exaggeration. We can probably all think of so many things to make with eggs. But, the only thing I wanted to make was a classic egg salad sandwich.
My grandmother loved egg salad sandwiches. I hung out at my grandparent’s house all the time, and when I was over for lunch, I would either make egg salad sandwiches or bologna and mustard sandwiches. My grandmother was partial to the former; my grandfather, the latter.
Eventually I took over making the egg salad sandwiches because my grandma thought I made them perfectly. Truth is, I didn’t do anything special to them, and only used a grand total of 4 ingredients, but she requested them from me all the time and who was I to not oblige my wonderful grandma?
So, here you go, quite possibly the simplest recipe one could have on their blog. In honor of my grandma. 🙂

Classic Egg Salad Sandwich
- 2 large eggs, hard boiled, peeled and sliced
- 2 Tbsp mayonnaise
- 1/8 tsp salt
- Pinch of pepper
- Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and spread in between two slices of bread.
- Remember the simple things in life.
[…] and even now, I’ll sometimes just boil an egg for a snack or a couple of eggs for a classic egg salad sandwich. I also love putting hard boiled eggs in my spinach salad, or a fried egg cheeseburgers without […]