National Creamsicle Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

National Creamsicle Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

In case you missed it, I’ve made Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda before. If you’re talking about techniques and ingredients, it’s nothing special, but who doesn’t love creamsicle flavor, right?? I know I do so here is the ice cream soda again, with vanilla ice cream and orange soda, and it ends up being just perfect this summer. Here is my blog post from the end up June.


It’s the last day of June, do you know what this means? It means I’m gloriously happy that I’m finally HALFWAY done with this national food holiday challenge. If you remember, I celebrated the halfway mark at the beginning of June before, weeks later, realizing that I actually had to get through June to be halfway through the year. Oy vey, what a rocking of my world that realization was.

Anyway, it’s finally here, for real. And I breathed a big sign of relief as soon as this recipe was made and photographed. (And then I enjoyed it, of course).

National Ice Cream Soda Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

So, summer. Oh, summer. It’s an excruciating one here in Florida. So much so that I don’t even want to leave my house. Except our air conditioner went out yesterday so I kind of do want to leave the house, but only to seek refuge elsewhere that’s more comfortable. Instead, we have many fans set up around the house so we don’t suffer from heat exhaustion.

National Ice Cream Soda Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

National Ice Cream Soda Day couldn’t’ve come at a better time. And plus, creamsicle is one of my favorite dessert flavors. There is a fantastic ice cream shop by an orange grove around 45 minutes from my house. They have an orange vanilla swirl that is so fresh and delicious, we have to visit anytime we’re in the vicinity.

So this creamsicle ice cream soda was exactly what I needed today (and everyday, but that’s beside the point). Enjoy!

National Ice Cream Soda Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda

National Creamsicle Day | Creamsicle Ice Cream Soda


  • 2 scoops of your favorite vanilla ice cream
  • Orange soda


  1. Place the scoops of ice cream in a tall glass. Pour orange juice over it until filled to the top of the glass.

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Wow. First of all, AWESOME photos. These look soooo good, and since I love the creamsicle flavor too, I know I’d fall in love. Second, CONGRATS for now being *more* than halfway through! You’re doing so awesome! Only you could keep this up!