National Candy Day | Pretzel and Chocolate Bites
Happy Tuesday, friends! This week is already dragging, but that’s because my birthday is this Saturday and I’m off work Friday through Tuesday! I’m so excited to have time off and do all of the activities I have planned (all of which I’ll share during my Friday links post and beyond), but you know what I’m not excited about? Turning freakin’ 30. It was just looming there, ready to destroy my world, which is not unlike National Candy Day.
I had in my mind that I would make homemade candy for the food holiday. While I know it can be done, I also know that it’s not as easy as one would think! Especially when you want to make a candy that’s really cool and looks challenging so you can impress all of your internet friends.
Then I realized, much like I realized that my 30th is happening soon whether I like it or not, that it just has to be done, and why go through so much work to avoid it? I was so not wanting to make anything for National Candy Day that I avoided it and waited until the last minute to make something, which ended up using up more of my energy than just brainstorming on what I can make with pre-made candy from the store and going about my work.
So, no, I didn’t make my own candy this time around. What I did was pay about $13 in bags of candy that’ll take me forever to eat because I’m not a sweets person, and I crafted this fun candy pretzel bites that I’ve seen all around the interwebs many times over. You know why I see them so much? Because people love them! If people didn’t love them, the recipes wouldn’t be shared, variations would be thought of, and the posts probably wouldn’t continue to receive views and interactions.
My past co-worker, Betsy, made a batch of these for another co-worker of mine’s birthday. (At least I think I’m remembering this correctly, whoops.) The birthday girl was thrilled. About some pretzels and chocolate. And I think that’s great because isn’t it always the littlest things that make the biggest difference?
These lovelies are bite-sized, perfect for any party, or for a friend on their special day.

Pretzel and Chocolate Bites
- Pretzel squares
- Hershey's Kisses
- Peanut butter M&M's
- Note: You need equal parts of everything.
- Preheat oven to 350*F. In a single layer on a baking sheet, line up pretzel squares. Top each pretzel square with a Hershey Kiss. Transfer to oven for 1-2 minutes, or until kiss starts to melt.
- Remove from oven and push a peanut butter M&M on top of each Kiss.
Gimme all of these, please!