My Whole30 Experience: Week Two
Read about my Week One experience.
Well, here I am, just finishing week two of my first Whole30. I haven’t been sharing as many photos because life has been hectic and my meals are kind of the same over and over again. More eggs, more chicken, more roasted vegetables, so many potatoes.

Lemon pepper roasted chicken, broccoli, potatoes
But, something different happened this week. Where as my week one was leaving me wondering if Whole30 is for me and why am I finding it a little easy to get through, I got my period. Especially postpartum, this is the week where I just go buck wild. Pasta, chocolate (something I never craved before my kids, and in fact, didn’t really even like), all the unhealthy burritos and fried chicken. I mean, it’s a little insane how my body reacts and what it wants. I’m hormonal and a little crazy and sometimes, simply cannot help myself when it’s that time of the month.
This week was particularly difficult because I was just not satisfied with what I was eating for Whole30. And this was the entirety of week two, unfortunately.

Breakfast salad: egg, asparagus, green beans, potatoes, chicken
So what do I have to report? Just that. This is a short and week blog post because I literally wanted all the pasta – even chickpea pasta would’ve worked – and I just couldn’t have it. There’s also a carton of coffee ice cream in my freezer that was taunting me. I wanted to snack on everything. But, I hung in there and pushed through, albeit I’m unsure for what reason. And here I am, officially in week three.
For those wondering, no grocery bill hasn’t changed and I’ve only had to replenish my fresh fruits and veggies, which is typical even when I’m not on Whole30. My weight has been going up and down by a couple of pounds, but again, because my uterus is telling me I’m without child, it decides instead to give me extra bloat.

Eggs and potato hash
That’s it, friends. I’m not sure if I’m all about that Whole30 life just yet, but maybe that’ll change.
How is Whole30 going?
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