Our First Wedding Anniversary | A Food Dedication to my Husband
They say time will go by so fast, that the first year of marriage is ridiculously quick to pass. Well, I will say that time always seems to pass fast anyway, but this year of marriage even more so. What ‘they’ say is true.
This year has been wonderful. Not much has changed — we still live in the same place, have the same routine. But there’s a general feeling change, something that I can’t fully describe, but those who have moved into marriage will completely understand. For those getting married, look forward to this. It’s real and it’s wonderful.
Today, being our first wedding anniversary, I have decided to feature some photos from our wedding and, most important, some of my husband’s favorite dishes!

Husband and wife, officially official

Our bridal party <3

Cake face SMASH
For more wedding details, here is my recap blog post!
Anyway, it’s been a better year than I thought possible. And my expectations were pretty high to begin with because my husband is awesome, you guys. Like, really really great. Is it possible to still be a blushing bride?
In honor of our marriage and food, here are my husband’s favorite food holiday recipes of the year (so far):
Pears Helene: This may very well be his favorite. I know this because I get the request to make it all the time. The pears are so simple to make that it’s almost sinful to pass it off as a “recipe”.
Habanero Jerky: This is one of Mike’s favorites, but also something he made. I had nothing to do with it. He is growing all kinds of hot peppers on our back patio and we’ve made this jerky recipe many times already since the blog posted.
Apricot Granola Bars: I was told to make these again as he was helping himself to his first granola bar.
Homemade Andes Mints: I’ve only made these the once, but I get the request to make again all the time. He’s also started requesting these homemade Andes mints on behalf of my neighbor and friends.
Pork-Stuffed Zucchini Boats: These take a long time to make, mostly because you have to scrape the seeds and flesh out of the inside of the zucchini and then separate the two so that only the flesh of the vegetable goes back into the dish. But, it’s worth it because it’s so incredible.
Lemon-Oregano Lamb Chops: These Mike made for me. When I got home from work one day, there they were, just waiting to be devoured.
Spicy Pizza Bianca: I made this pizza, paired with 14 hands wine, for National Junk Food Day, but it wasn’t the first time we’ve made this exact pizza, or a very similar one. Pizza is our go-to dinner because you’re bound to always find something in the house to top your pizza with and usually the whole process takes less than 30 minutes. Sometimes we can have a pizza hot out of the oven in 15 minutes.
These are just some of the dishes that remind me of Mike, but the truth is that he appreciates everything I make, and he helps out in the kitchen all the time. I’m really very lucky.
Here’s to you, Mike, and our many many more years to come. <3
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