Yeah so the post title says this’ll be a recipe for a cupcake for one, but there are two cupcakes in the picture. I don’t mean to confuse anyone, but one of these is a vanilla cupcake and one is an almond cupcake. I decided to use my girl Sally’s recipe for Vanilla Cupcakes for Two, except I used half of the batter for a vanilla cupcake and half the batter for an almond cupcake.
Because it’s important to maximize my food for the food holidays, right? December 15 is National Cupcake Day and, well, it’ll basically be this same recipe, but with different extract. Both with the same frosting, the same sprinkles in the batter because sprinkles are awesome, but I killed two birds with one stone by making two cupcakes. Schwing! Happy National Vanilla Cupcake Day!
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