Well, hello, there. It’s Sunday morning so I thought you could use some espresso. Also, it’s National Espresso Day so, you know, I kind of have to give you some goodies.
Yesterday my husband and I visited this guy’s house who’s a part of the Tampa Gardening Club. We scored fruits and vegetables and some plants so we can start our own. This guy’s backyard is on 4 acres and everything was so well organized – tagged, placed in rows, harvested when needed, and we even ate some fruit straight from his trees. I could’ve stayed there forever, but instead I came home and made three different kinds of madeleines: espresso, maple syrup, and a fruit, chocolate, and nut variety. It turned out to be a really great alternative to how to spend the day.
Recently, I received the book Madeleines: Elegant French Tea Cakes to Bake and Share [4] by Barbara Feldman Morse to review. It was sort of a lifesaver because I didn’t know what I would make for National Espresso Day and Barbara included two espresso madeleine recipes, and truly, the best way to review a cookbook is to try some of the recipes! For today’s post, I decided to go with the Espresso Chip Madeleines, a “tea cake” (I just call them seashell cookies ’cause they’re so darn cute) that could very well keep you up at night – the espresso is pretty strong in these little things. It’s perfect for espresso and chocolate lovers for sure.
One of the things I love about any cookbook is when it starts with preparation methods. Especially when it comes to baking, I sometimes need to see this so I can understand better. In Madeleines, you can see a simple one-bowl method for preparing a batch of these tea cakes quickly and easily (and sign me up for anything that promises less cleanup, dishes are a product of the devil, I’m convinced). Let’s talk about some of the recipe highlights, shall we?
I’m in love with everything about this cookbook. The photography is gorg, the recipes are simple (and all have basically the same base, which is so much appreciated), and there is more variety than I know what to do with. Buy this cook and see for yourself! I’ll also have recipes from this book for National Maple Syrup Day (December 17) and National Cocoa Day (December 12)!
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[4] Madeleines: Elegant French Tea Cakes to Bake and Share: http://www.quirkbooks.com/book/madeleines
[5] Print Recipe: https://thefoodiepatootie.com/national-espresso-day/print/