I’m starting to think my love for pasta isn’t natural. Aren’t you supposed to get sick of a food once you eat too much of it? Isn’t it the norm to be all like “I can’t even look at you” to the food you’ve been eating constantly? And then not eat that food again for a very long time? How can one be totally okay with eating pasta every single day?
All silly questions, of course. BECAUSE PASTA IS THE BEST FOOD GROUP.
The downside is that carbs are bad. I’m all living by a beach and eating so many carbs, you guys. Get.It.Together. And it’s summer. Gah! I’m the worst girl ever.
Given all of this, you can imagine how my whole WORLD was changed when I was introduced to Uddo’s Kitchen Red Lentil Penne Pasta. That’s right: red lentil. What’s that you say, that you’ve never heard of such a thing? Yeah, well, me neither. And now I’m imparting my wisdom onto all of you fine folk. (Also, this is a brand new product sold exclusively at select Sam’s Club stores nationwide – and Costco in the midwest so it’s totally normal if you haven’t heard of it.)
One ingredient pasta, imagine that. It’s natural, gluten-free, and an excellent source of protein. Weeks later, I still can’t even wrap my mind around it. Is this real life?
Now, my initial thought was that it would have some funky flavor. That Uddo’s Kitchen, bless their little hearts, would have tried so hard to create a one ingredient red lentil pasta and me, the most pasta loving of all pasta lovers, would be underwhelmed. But, in all sincerity, I cannot tell a difference. It’s magical.
So then I made a decidedly less than healthy dish with the healthy pasta, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is that just by substituting your normal penne for these maroon lovelies, you’re being better. And that’s always a win. Especially during beach season, am I right, ladies?
We have here a Red Lentil Penne Pasta with the most luscious braised beef short ribs you’ll find. There’s the flavors of thyme and rosemary and red wine and some tang from dijon mustard and saltiness from the parmesan cheese. When I tasted the first bite, I made sure to pat myself on the back, to be very honest with you.
This is one of those recipes that you should make on a weekend day because it’ll need to cook for about 3 hours in total. I made my beef and the sauce all in the dutch oven, added in the cooked pasta, and put it down right in the middle of the table so everyone could just dig in and enjoy.
It’s Sunday family dinner at its finest.
Before you go! General Mills has been gracious enough to offer one winner a package of Uddo’s Kitchen Red Lentil Penne Pasta. One packages comes with 3 12-ounces bags of pasta. Simply comment below with your favorite pasta dish. I’ll choose a random winner in about a week’s time. Good luck!
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