National Pretzel Day | Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwich

National Pretzel Day | Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwich

Remember the Pigs-In-A-Blanket I made the other day?

Well, for National Pretzel Day, I intended to do the same thing, just with rolls of pretzel. I was convinced I could easy make my own pretzels, but just 1 minute of internet searching for pretzel making instructions, I knew I needed an alternative. It just consisted of a lot of steps and a total cook time of more time than I had available to me.

Then, I wanted to buy frozen pretzels and make pretzel pigs-in-a-blanket out of those, but the grocery store I go to didn’t have any…which was just as well since I’m sure the frozen food version of pretzels aren’t the most appetizing thing ever. All of this back and forth was done on the same day that I made National Zucchini Day’s Pork-Stuffed Zucchini Boats. All of a sudden the mission was clear.

National Pretzel Day | Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwich

I ended up buying a 4-count of fresh pretzel buns and making a sandwich out of the pork stuffing from the zucchini recipe. Topped with white american cheese, it was so incredibly flavorful, I didn’t even know what to do with myself to keep from eating until oblivion. Sit on or tie my hands together behind my back? No, friends, I just had to exhibit an unheard of amount of willpower. It wasn’t easy.

The pork stuffing recipe for the zucchini boats can be just slightly excessive, depending on how big the zucchinis are you’re using. The pretzel bun is there to save the day and keep you from wasting any leftovers. Trust me – you won’t regret this meal (even if you do go into a food coma).

Below, you’ll find a slight variation from the recipe for the Pork-Stuffed Zucchini Boats. Make the boats or not, but this pork mixture is great on the pretzel buns, on top of pasta, and more. Just do it.

(If you are making the zucchini boats and not a plethora of pretzel bun pork sandwiches, be sure to check out the Pork-Stuffed Zucchini Boats recipe for the correct ingredients list and instructions.)

National Pretzel Day | Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwich

National Pretzel Day | Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwich
Author: The Foodie Patootie
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • 1 pound of ground pork
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 jalapeno pepper, minced
  • ½ large onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp red chili flakes
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp each salt and pepper
  • 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
  • White american cheese slices
  • Pretzel buns
  1. In a large saute pan over medium-high heat, cook the pork until no longer pink. Drain and set aside.
  2. Saute the onions and peppers in the same cooking pan until nice and tender, approximately 6-8 minutes. Add the seasonings and mozzarella cheese. Put the pork back in the pan and combine with the other onion/pepper mixture.
  3. Top finish product between two pretzel buns and top with a slice (or two) of white american cheese.

Tomorrow: National Prime Rib Day

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[…] the first National Pretzel Day of the year back in April, I made Pretzel Bun Pork Sandwiches because I thought to make a pretzel from scratch would be harder. Sure, I could use some finesse in […]