Did you know that you can make donuts, real big flakey ones, with biscuit dough? Well, you can and I’m going to show you the recipe today. Although I do use the term “recipe” loosely since it’s just oil and pre-made biscuit dough. The vanilla filling is from scratch though so it totally counts.
I was going to use my donut hole maker again for this dish because that contraption is just awesome, but then I saw other people making donuts with biscuits and I’m like, uh yes sirree that’s what I’m gonna do.
And is it totally weird that I love the smell of uncooked biscuit dough? ‘Cause I do and I make no apologies. I take a big whiff after my heart beats slow from the scare of the pop the biscuit container makes when it opens. Seriously, isn’t there an easier way to open the can of biscuits??? (I suppose I could make my own biscuits, but God, I’m feeling just so lazy lately.) I anticipate the can busting open, but I still jump every time.
Anyway, will I convert all future donut adventures to these biscuit donuts? No. Don’t get me wrong, they are great, but they are also massive. I’m not sure that I should be eating massive donuts like these every time I go to make donuts. Or should I?….
Okay, okay, now that I have experienced biscuit donuts, my world has been changed. Yours will too, just make and see! Happy National Cream-Filled Donut Day!
Tomorrow: National Linguine Day
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