In the great caramel vs. candy apple debate, caramel always wins. I shared my caramel apples recipe [4], and now it’s candy apples time. I’ve only had candy apples a handful of times, probably enough to count on one hand. Caramel apples are so much better that they’re my first choice at the candy shop.
However, I don’t like caramel apples with peanuts and the times that I’ve been at a candy shop with only peanut-covered caramel apples, I have to get candy apples, which I actually prefer with peanuts. I know, it’s weird, but I have more nuances than that, believe me.
Let me be honest and say that the candy part is very simple, but to apply the chopped peanuts is a painstakingly slow process. I rolled the candy apples in the chopped peanuts and then placed more in the spaces that hadn’t originally picked up any.
These candy apples won’t make me make the conversion from caramel apples, but they definitely make me want candy apples more than usual. Enjoy!
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