I think it’s dumb that there’s a National Chocolate with Almonds Day and a National Bittersweet Chocolate Day. I mean, couldn’t we have just accomplished it all with today’s food holiday? So, because I’m feeling like a rebel, I’m not sharing a new recipe for today. I’m just not. It makes no sense! Instead, I’ll share the recipe I made for Triple Chocolate Day.
On National English Toffee Day [4], I shared my dislike for chocolate. Maybe I went to the extreme because I don’t really hate chocolate all the time. It’s just never my favorite thing. (I have quite a few national food holidays that involve chocolate so I better get used to it.)
One thing we actually make regularly at home are chocolate-covered strawberries. They are easy, delicious, and save for a couple of days. When not at the peak of season, I find it hard to keep strawberries from molding if not eaten right away!
For National Bittersweet Chocolate Day, I wanted to make strawberries. Not only were they on sale, but I had some bittersweet chocolate chips left in my pantry from a previous baking adventure. Score! (Obviously in this food holiday challenge, it’s important to use up what I have to avoid a high grocery bill!)
But, for the national food holidays, just covering some strawberries with chocolate wasn’t enough. I wanted to do something a little extra. I drizzled (or attempted to drizzle, as you can tell from the photos, hehe) white chocolate on top, which is fun enough, but before all this, I injected Chocovine [6] into each berry.
Chocovine is a dessert wine, obviously, made with red wine and chocolate, and it packed these berries with a nice liquor punch, thankyouverymuch. Now to have any strawberries without it will never be the same. Happy National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day!
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[4] National English Toffee Day: https://thefoodiepatootie.com/recipes/national-english-toffee-day/
[5] Image: https://thefoodiepatootie.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/triple-chocolate-strawberries.png
[6] Chocovine: http://chocovine.com/
[7] Image: https://thefoodiepatootie.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/national-bittersweet-chocolate-day.png
[8] Print Recipe: https://thefoodiepatootie.com/national-bittersweet-chocolate-with-almonds-day/print/